I have always liked painting but lost my way with it about 18 years ago. 

Life hasn't been an easy road for me, I have had a life of ups and downs, but this has made me the person I am today. 

In my teenage years I suffered with my mental health, and my paintings helped me through it.  

I don't have much memory of painting them, only that the work exhausted me because of the emotions I poured out.   I would usually only see what I had painted after sleeping. 

My mental health had quite an effect on my education - I failed Maths and IT, however I submitted my paintings for my Art A-Level and it boosted my grade. 
I was under the illusion I had to be angry or in a high state of emotion to paint. 
I remember my art teacher asking me to do some drawings/paintings to show how I had come up with the paintings I had done.   Anything I tried to paint with no emotional connection went in the bin.

If I try to paint something specific, I really struggle to produce something I am happy with. 

With the stresses and new challenges that have been brought about by COVID-19, I have not only re-found my passion, but learnt a lot about myself in the process.   

It turns out I can paint on any emotion!



If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch. We will be in the near future be offering prints of all my work. If you have any special requests, please do ask. I am based in Hull, United Kingdom, but can post out anywhere. 
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